2022 - 2027
Among people - with us
The "Work Integration at Belimo" project is all about inclusion. People with cognitive impairments also want to work with those who are not dependent on support.
Werkheim Uster has many years of experience in the field of work integration and has set itself the goal of enabling people who need more support to work directly on-site at companies in the region. The hope is that barriers to inclusive forms of work can be eliminated, enabling autonomy and participation.
Another goal is to offer a productive service with significant added value for BELIMO.

Creating an inclusive workspace where people, with and without support needs, can work together on equal terms.
On request and in collaboration with Werkheim Uster, BELIMO promotes its social responsibility as an employer and offers integrative jobs to people with cognitive or physical disabilities. In so-called ‘assembly islands’, employees from the aforementioned institution, complete high-quality components into the final product.

As of the end of 2023, four disabled employees who are supported by two specialists, are employed in Hinwil with an average workload of just under 80 %.

Positive feedback
Peter Kälin is Head of Production and is personally committed to equal opportunities and inclusion.
"The positive impact on the working atmosphere, the working culture and the feedback and recognition from colleagues, superiors, and customers are highlights of the project. Ultimately, it is probably a combination of all the factors that have fuelled my commitment and enthusiasm for the project.”
Copyright pictures©Werkheim Uster

Participate in teams
Benjamin Imfeld is the head of the working group at Belimo and is enthusiastic about the Belimo corporate culture.
"It is remarkable to experience how the Belimo teams respond to the employees of the Uster work center, include them in the team and help develop sustainable solutions.”

Joyful collaboration
Beat Kammer is an employee of the Werkheim and the first employee to be included in a Belimo team.
"The collaboration is great, I enjoy it. I like working with the women. We have fun together.’
Stiftung Werkheim Uster